Friday, July 10, 2009


I took out the plugs last night and cleaned them up with some mastercraft carb cleaner. All but plug #3 was really black and sooty - I post some pics soon - and after putting them back in the bike started really good and idled really nicely and had no problems going up to 4000 rpm and back down to 1500 rpm idle. I think this means that cleaning the carbs will really help! I am quite excited to get into it but man I wished I had more time!

I tightened up the seat a bit too and tried to get the adjusting screw for the headlight.. ended up cutting it too short so now its useless - Waste of 5$! I got it allens' cycle salvage, where I also got a centerstand (30$) and saddle bags (30$). On that same trip to moncton I got a HJC IS-MAX helment and Olympia Touring Cordura Jacket at G bourque

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